“The Good Company” with a social and environmental mission
“To humanize humanity in resonance with itself, others, nature and the world”
purpose of being
“Contribute to the transformation of organisations and territories for the responsible and sustainable development of a social and economic environment where it is good to live”
This “raison d’être” is part of a profound desire to do right, to do good and to be useful for all the stakeholders involved with us.
Because the forces of change are undoubtedly in collective intelligence, trust and benevolence of Men and because there is no truth, but simply paths to success, we have a vocation:
“To inspire, gather and support “The Good Company” for a New Society”
This is the objective of the ETHICS Fabrique with the synergy of its talents, governance, steering, consultation, communication, HR, digital coaching … which lives on a daily basis a participative and cooperative mode of operation with a concerted governance.
Our society and our organizations are the sum of individual actions and behaviours. Everyone can contribute with humility and conviction to the development of tomorrow’s world. The task is immense, but we each, without exception, have a share of the work to do. Like the Hummingbird that will do its part to put out the forest fire. This is our responsibility on our own scale.
Because the historical mode of operation of organisations wavers, the form of the mode which is called upon to replace it is uncertain. ETHICS Group wishes to inspire a movement of concerted transformation to define the new managerial and governance benchmarks.
Emotions and wisdom
In each one of us there is a driver endowed with reason and an elephant that only reacts to and is guided by emotions. Learning to drive the elephant is how we will overcome our paradoxes, our suffering, and our ability to dare to change! By balancing our rational part (reason, logic) and our irrational part (desires, fears), we reach a form of wisdom and gradually manage to move from intention to action.
The Third Place
We have deployed a third-party venue for sharing ideas, acculturation and engagement that can be used by all the organizations involved.
We become aware that many things, which transcend us, change at the scale of the whole (the climate, politics, geopolitics, markets, the financial system…), but when we return to the scale of our daily lives, awareness is reduced because the phenomena are less striking. In order to assume our responsibilities and be the world we want to see, we must return to full awareness of our ability to influence the whole.
The Editions
The editions are a source of inspiration, essays and reflections to evolve on the road to success and progress towards an agile and efficient organization where it is good to live.
It is essential to be aware that our organizations are rooted in their territory. A rootedness built on a history, on a singular culture woven over time. A culture that carries the values and foundations on which the organization is built to develop. This solid rooting acts as a benchmark for all those who live at the heart of the organization and make it grow with agility.
It is essential to be aware that our organizations are rooted in their territory. A rootedness built on a history, on a singular culture woven over time. A culture that carries the values and foundations on which the organization is built to develop. This solid rooting acts as a benchmark for all those who live at the heart of the organization and make it grow with agility.